Our chief information architect, Darko Cengija, will be at ecomTEAM 2014, running a workshop on usability approaches and techniques.
In two days, on April 2 and 3, Brașov, probably better known to the world as “Dracula’s City”, will host ecomTEAM 2014. This is a regional e-commerce event that takes place annually in Romania. Organized by leading Romanian publication Wall-Street.ro, the event is already in its 4th year.
ecomTEAM 2014 will focus on trends and, particularly, on practical solutions and case studies. The regional e-commerce market is growing fast and specific and highly relevant know-how is much in demand.
Our chief information architect and one of UX Passion’s usability experts, Darko Čengija will be attending the conference. Moreover, Darko will run a workshop on usability on April 3, 2014. We don’t want to give away too much so we’ll just say that Darko will show you how to increase your conversion rate through optimization by conducting usability tests and research with users.

So, if you are around and would like to rub shoulders with our Darko, Brasov will be a good opportunity. Catch Darko on LinkedIn or tweet him @darkoche.