Today we are officially 1461 days old. Idea of making UX Passion is actually a lot older, but it happened on October 9th, 2009. Challenges lie ahead.
Today we are celebrating UX Passion birthday. I could tell you about revenues, clients, employees and all these topics deserve to be discussed, but I’d like to reflect on the learning and fighting instead.
Running your own business with your team is often romanticized. Team gathers, develops a great idea, designs, concepts, codes… It all starts at their own homes, then they bunk together and hire first employees, move to first office… UX Passion is no different. We are on a path.
Far from the public eye is where the battle really happens. Supposedly it’s not sexy to talk about it, as people prefer reading about new shiny products, but let me tell you, keeping a business ship afloat every day is a never ending battle.

You fight to keep your crew in check and provide leadership, to learn, deliver, design and astonish. It takes as much effort to grow as it does to stay true to yourself. Overcoming personal and professional fears and doubts is yet another battle as we are only human.
It has been said that smart ones choose their battles, but sometimes battles choose you. You can either rise to the challenge or not, but whatever you choose, you always should learn something.
Ok, it is not so sweaty and annoying, but it is far from being glamorous. Cue everyday challenges: financial, organizational, personal, great and not-so-great clients, daily ups and downs, things that you just can’t avoid. We had full 4 years of all that. We are old, but we are still very young. Keen to learn from mistakes and stupid enough to still make new ones to learn from.
We move, break things, build new ones. We laugh, cry, curse, love, hate… We are passionate about what we do and who we are.
Four years later, we are still excited about those that are ahead of us. Our goals are set high for many more years to come. Could I ask for more than people who are willing to learn, to fight and to do it with passion and energy day after day? It all comes down to team. Our company is a great team.
I talk too much. Here’s a short video from our office that our creatives had filmed and made for you:
Course is set. Second star on the right and straight on ’till morning, that is where we are going.
Petar Pan and Captain Kirk
Greatest challenges lie ahead. We will beat them armed with all of our experience. Every year we will stop for one day and take a long, hard look at things that happened and be grateful for being a part of this team.
Happy 4th birthday UX Passion.