GetAway is a creative event for designers, held in and around Zagreb on 12 and 13 April 2013 with the aim to bring your inspiration out of hibernation!
As designers, we’re always on the lookout for ways to stay creative and inspired. Many of us have “offline” hobbies to get away from our computer screens and do something fun and inspiring. It’s not really possible to stay creative otherwise.
We wondered what we could do to celebrate the coming of the sunny season with an event that stands out from all the others and brings a real blast of fresh air.

Many of you have already booked tickets and flights to various UX and design conferences around the world. We guess that you don’t need another one, so we decided to host a small and intimate two day event which focuses mostly on offline and offscreen experiences.
GetAway! is a creative, fun and inspiring event with the aim of getting together some of the best minds in the local design scene away from their usual working routine so they can work, have fun, inspire and be inspired by other people.
Friday, 12.4.2013
On the first day, we are organizing a coworking session at Lauba. There you will be able to exchange ideas with some of the most experienced designers in this region. We will gather and work from 11AM till 5PM in a very creative environment. Who knows, maybe the next big thing will be designed during this session!

Saturday, 13.4.2013
Join us at UX Passion’s barbecue on Saturday afternoon and let’s have fun offscreen with no WiFi, 3G or smartphones. Besides enjoying a great BBQ, you can bring your design books and swap them with others. Also, there will be offscreen games like Thinkpak, Helveticards, Brand Memory Game, Haikubes, Rorshöck, WatchMaDrawIt and many more offline activities which are waiting for you!
Barbecue and offscreen gathering will be at beautiful place called Kuchica which is located in the near of Zagreb, but far away from commotion of everyday life.

Try a different approach and escape to the countryside where you’re sure to rediscover your inspiration, so crucial to our everyday tasks. We hope that the weather will be on our side next weekend.
UX Passion is sponsoring this event, so entry for both days is completely free of charge. However, you still need to reserve your spot. Have in mind that the number of spots is limited, so hurry up if this sounds interesting to you!
World Design Days
There is Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, International Women’s Day and all sorts of days in between. But, did you know that every year 12 to 15 April are the World Design Days?

These are your days and you deserve to do something awesome, creative, inspiring and fun.
We all spend way too much time staring at digital screens and sitting in front of our computers. It’s not easy to put your work aside for two days, but at least give it a try! Your mind is begging you, and your heart is beating like a machine while reading this. We know that!
Let’s step out of our comfort zone and take a short break from everyday life. We will work, learn, play, laugh and have a lot of fun together!
Let’s get away! Together!